

We're working on SDGs


2015年の国連サミットで採択された「持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」に掲げられた、2030年までに世界が達成すべき17の目標のことです。 持続可能な世界を実現するための17のゴール・169のターゲットから構成され、地球上の誰一人として取り残さない(leave no one behind)ことを誓っています。 SDGsは発展途上国のみならず、先進国自身が取り組むユニバーサル(普遍的)なものであり、日本としても積極的に取り組んでいます。

What are SDGs (the Sustainable Development Goals) ?

“The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030”. SDGs is comprised of 17 goals and 169 targets and promises "leave no one behind". In SDGs, both the developing countries and the developed country wrestle; is universal, and Japan wrestles positively, too.










● 「一般社団法人 シングルマザーの幸せな生活研究所」をスポンサー支援(2023/8月契約締結)

  ―【シンラボハッピープロジェクト】を通した生活に困窮している親子への支援活動と、【キッズ&ベビールーム PRIBABY】の運営活動に賛同し支援実施

一般社団法人 シングルマザーの幸せな生活研究所


● 自社開発のiBMSを活用した、介護・見守りシステムの推進




● 採用・待遇・昇進において、男女平等の機会を提供

● 「ふくい女性活躍推進企業プラス+」認定

キャリアアップ実践企業 ふくい女性活躍推進企業プラス+


● 自社開発のiBMSを活用した、水管理システムの推進




● 2050年カーボンニュートラルの実現に向けた動きが加速する中、当社では温室効果ガス削減目標を、スコープ1+2で「Well Below2℃:WB2℃水準」に引き上げ、2030年度までに2020年度比25%削減に向けて推進

● 上記目標の達成に向けて、「本社ビル内の蛍光灯をLED照明へ交換(電気使用量とCO2を削減)」、「電力会社の見直し」、「使わない電気機器のコンセントは抜く等の節電対策」を実施

● 自社開発のiBMSを活用した、エネルギー管理システムの推進




● 委員会(社員満足委員会)主導の働き方改革による残業低減、有給休暇増進



● 自動化による生産性向上

  ―RPAツール(Microsoft Power Automate)を用いた事務作業の効率化、「働き方改革」の促進

● 金融システム開発を通じた、金融サービスへのアクセス促進・拡大への貢献



● IoTを活用したビル管理プラットホームの自社開発、販売、運用




● フィリピンを通じた世界への挑戦。外国人採用実績は3カ国





● Zen Stay(民泊・宿泊施設運用システム)の推進





● リサイクルトナー使用、再生紙の使用率100%



● 世界6カ国のパートナーと事業を推進

Our approach for SDGs

Tensei group carried out the social responsibility as the company through business activity since we founded it.

1.Community involvement and social contributions

2.Active hiring of young employee and human resource development system

3.The permanent happiness of our employee and their families


This time, we have been redefined our activities based on the SDGs and contribute to the construction of a sustainable society that humanity aims for.

No poverty

No poverty

● Supporting the "General Incorporated Association Single Mother's Happy Life Research Institute" through sponsorships (contract signed in August 2023).

  ―We are providing support and assistance to families in need through the "SimLab Happy Project" and endorsing the operation of "Kids & Baby Room PRIBABY."

一般社団法人 シングルマザーの幸せな生活研究所
Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being

● Promotion of a caregiving and monitoring system utilizing our in-house developed iBMS

  ―We are working on improving the quality of welfare services and reducing the burden on staff by automating and controlling tasks such as caregivers' vital checks through IoT.

Gender equality

Gender equality

● The opportunity of the gender equality is provided in recruit, treatment and promotion.

● Certified ”Fukui Woman Achievement Promotion Company Plus+”.

キャリアアップ実践企業 ふくい女性活躍推進企業プラス+
Clean water and sanitation

Clean water and sanitation

● Promotion of a water management system utilizing our in-house developed iBMS.

  ―We are working to ensure that everyone can always access safe and clean water by automating and controlling water quality checks through IoT.

Affordable and clean energy

Affordable and clean energy

● Amid the accelerating efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, our company has raised its greenhouse gas reduction target for Scope 1+2 to the "Well Below 2°C: WB2°C level," and is promoting a 25% reduction by FY2030 compared to FY2020.

● To achieve the above targets, we are implementing measures such as "replacing fluorescent lights in the headquarters building with LED lighting (reducing electricity consumption and CO2)," "reviewing our electricity provider," and "implementing energy-saving measures such as unplugging unused electrical equipment."

● Promotion of an energy management system utilizing our in-house developed iBMS.

  ―We are working on achieving 24/7 energy savings by automating and controlling facility electricity and air conditioning through IoT.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Target Graph
Decent work and economic growth

Decent work and economic growth

● Overtime work reduction and paid vacation increase by the way of "Work Style Reform" that led by a committee (employee satisfaction Committee).

  ―The following shows changes in monthly average overtime hours and annual paid leave acquisition rates.

Graph of monthly average overtime hours and annural paid leave acquisition rates

● Productivity improvement by the automation.

  ―Do office work effectively and promote “Work Style Reform” with RPA tools(Microsoft Power Automate).

● Contribution to access promotion and expansion to a financial service through the financial system development.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

● In-house development, sales and operation of building management platform utilizing IoT.

  ―Introducing the iBMS and VMS systems jointly developed by Japan and Philippines, and providing customers with comfortable and safe buildings by installing and operating IoT devices.

Reduced inequalities

Reduced inequalities

● A challenge to the world through the Philippines. The international employment achievement are three countries.

  ―Accepting Filipino interns from group companies “Tensei Philippines Inc.” and conducting training to acquire development skills.

  ―Promote diversity through global recruitment (active recruitment of international students)

Sustainable cities and communities

Sustainable cities and communities

● Promotion of Zen Stay (Vacation Rental and Accommodation Management System).

  ―We are working on reducing the burden on operators by automating and controlling tasks through IoT, such as self-check-in and remote operation of equipment.

  ―We are working to revitalize local communities by effectively utilizing vacant and idle properties for vacation rentals and other purposes, while giving back to the region.

Responsible consumption and production

Responsible consumption and production

● 100% usage rate of recycled toner and recycled paper

Partnerships for the goals

Partnerships for the goals

● We promote business with the partner of world six countries.